Un obicei care poate parea ciudat la mine este ca atunci cand aud o melodie interesanta imi notez pe unde apuc bucati din versuri pentru ca mai tarziu sa incerc sa aflu ce melodie este si sa fac rost de ea... de exemplu, acum am trei astfel de bucati salvate pe mobil:
I play my music in the sun I'm a joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a midnight talker (asta e Steve Miller - "The joker")
Bye bye baby. Don't be long. I'll worry about you when you're gone (Ivy - Worry About You - auzita intr-un serial la tv)
Hold on to people they're slipping away (Moby - Slipping away - in masina unui prieten)
Ei bine, ultima piesa mentionata a devenit un fel de obsesie muzicala... piesa nu e cine stie ce, dar se pare ca rezoneaza cu partea din mine care isi cauta drumul in viata, cu partea obsedata de intrebari dintre care cea mai grea e "de ce?" (cu variatiunea "pentru ce?"). E in acelasi timp trista si optimista, simpla (atat de simpla incat o suspectez ca da in comercial), aproape un cliseu si totusi atat de departe de unul! Cel putin asa o simt eu cand o ascult! Mai jos sunt versurile, dar interpretarea aduce multe in plus...
Slipping Away
All that we needed was right
The threshold is breaking tonight
Open to everything happy and sad
Seeing the good when it's all going bad
Seeing the sun when I can't really see
Hoping the sun will at least look at me
Focus on everything better today
All that I needed I never could say
Hold on to people, they're slipping away
Hold on to this while it's slipping away
All that we needed tonight
Are people who love us and like
I know how it feels to need
Oh when we leave here, you'll see
Open to everything happy and sad
Seeing the good when it's all going bad
Seeing the sun when I can't really see
Hoping the sun will at least look at me
Focus on everything better today
All that I needed I never could say
Hold on to people, they're slipping away
Hold on to this while it's slipping away
So long
So long
Open to everything happy and sad
Seeing the good when it's all going bad
Seeing the sun when I can't really see
Hoping the sun will at least look at me
Focus on everything better today
All that I needed I never could say
Hold on to people they're slipping away
Vaaaaaai, ce bine e sa ai muzica!
Si daca tot e vorba de muzica, tocmai am ascultat o melodie de pe vremea cand aproape cadeam in santuri de dorul unui "el" care acum nu-mi citeste blogul (ca deh, asa e viata) - Hara -"N-ai habar"
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